Resource for Ownership Intelligence

Raising Financially
Responsible Children

Preparing Successors to Handle Wealth Responsibly  
[2 to 4 hours]:

This workshop addresses parents’ most pressing questions and problems.  Wealthy parents work hard to create and preserve their wealth, but often fail to prepare the next generation to handle it responsibly.  When a family business is part of the equation, no matter how well parents have trained their children to take the business reins, if successors are not responsible wealth owners, the business and their own financial and emotional health will be at risk.  Subjects (based on time allowed and audience interest) can include:

  • Successful Choices: How can one harmoniously integrate a family and business, and provide children successful and happy career choices?
  • Preparing Successors to Handle the Business: How can parents give their children real-world business experience without putting the business at risk?
  • Talking to Kids About Money: Who, when, what, how and why?
  • Defining the Family’s Financial Values:  How can parents instill financial values?  To what extent do parents model them?  How do their kids feel about money: guilty, entitled, or uninterested?
  • Identifying Intergenerational/Legacy Goals: What is money for? How long will it last? What should parents leave behind? How do attendees calculate a sustainable spending rate?
  • Navigating the High Net Worth Environment: What are the pros and cons of leaving money behind? How do parents define success? Should they let their kids make mistakes or bail them out?
  • We can also cover topics listed in our Smart Financial Retreats

All our programs provide a safe, open and comfortable forum for exploring
different approaches, strategies and tactics to navigate the often-confusing
parenting minefield specific to the wealthy.



"The authors
explore some
of the unintended consequences,
often ignored,
that wealth may
have on children - such as unrealistic expectations,
failure to become producers of
new wealth,
or a lack of skills
and confidence needed to become productive and independent."

Judy Green,
Executive Director,
Family Firm Institue, Inc.